Registration for 2019 Conference

by | Dec 17, 2018

Tennessee Mountain Writers Annual Conference
April 4-6, 2019

Welcome to the online conference registration page.

To register online, you must pay online through the PayPal service. You do not have to have a PayPal account to pay with your personal credit card.

The TMW allows conference attendance by students (high school and full-time college) and adults.

The registration area below is divided by conference participation level (colored sections) and attendee status (student or adult). To register click on the “Add to Cart” button. Some of the buttons require additional information such as banquet names (so that we can make name badges) and manuscript evaluation information. Please be sure to fill in this information if applicable.

Now you’re wondering where your name, address, phone and email address is going. Please fill that information in as your shipping address. Though we will not be mailing or shipping anything to you, we do need this information to prepare your conference packet.

NOTE: For those wishing to register by mail, follow this link to print a registration form, and mail with payment to TMW at P.O. Box 5435, Oak Ridge, TN 373831-5435.

Thank you and see you at the conference!

Full Conference – Regular Attendee

Full conference includes all workshops, evening programs, banquet, one manuscript evaluation, one entry in each contest category, annual membership. The cost is $200/per person through March 21st. After March 21st, cost is $215/per person.

Full participants may submit one manuscript for evaluation. Some evaluators have limited the number of critiques they can do; therefore, priority will be give to the manuscripts in the order in which they are postmarked. Manuscripts should be limited to 10 double-spaced pages. Manuscripts must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2019. Manuscripts will not be accepted via email. Do not submit a work that you have entered in the writing contest.

$200 if purchased by March 21st, 2019. $215 if purchased after March 21st, 2019.

Manuscript Eval - Genre/Title

$10 (each entry above 1 per category) 

Additional Entries

Additional banquet guest(s). $35 per person. Please give the name(s) of banquet guest(s).

Guest Name(s)

Full Conference — Scholarship Attendee

Full conference for scholarship attendees includes all workshops, evening programs, banquet, one manuscript evaluation, one entry in each contest category, annual membership. The cost is $0/per person through March 21st. Since PayPal does not allow a $0 payment, follow this link to print a registration form, and mail to TMW at P.O. Box 5435, Oak Ridge, TN 3831-5435.

Full participants may submit one manuscript for evaluation. Some evaluators have limited the number of critiques they can do; therefore, priority will be give to the manuscripts in the order in which they are postmarked. Manuscripts should be limited to 10 double-spaced pages. Manuscripts must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2019. Manuscripts will not be accepted via email. Do not submit a work that you have entered in the writing contest.

$10 (each entry above 1 per category) 

Additional Entries

Additional banquet guest(s). $35 per person. Please give the name(s) of banquet guest(s).

Guest Name(s)

DAY SESSIONS ONLY (includes all workshops on Friday and Saturday and annual membership)

Includes all workshops on Friday and Saturday and annual membership. Cost is $165/pp


Contest entries $15 per entry.

Entries - Day Session

Banquet tickets. Each person with a day pass who wants to attend the banquet must purchase a ticket. They are $35 per person. You may invite banquet guests. If you do, please give the name(s) of banquet guest(s).

Guest Name(s)

Day Sessions Only – Student Attendee (high school or full-time college)

Includes all workshops on Friday and Saturday and annual membership. $50 per person.

$50.00 per person

Contest entries $15 per entry.

Entries - Day Session

Banquet tickets. Each person with a day pass who wants to attend the banquet must purchase a ticket. They are $35 per person. You may invite banquet guests. If you do, please give the name(s) of banquet guest(s).

Guest Name(s)

À La Carte

Single sessions only. $35 each. After you’ve purchased your single session(s), please email us at and let us know which session(s) you plan to attend

A la carte sessions

Contest entries $15 per entry. You can enter the contest even if you are not attending the conference.

Entries - Day Session

Banquet tickets. Each person with an A La Carte session pass who wants to attend the banquet must purchase a ticket. They are $35 per person. You may invite banquet guests. If you do, please give the name(s) of banquet guest(s).

Guest Name(s)

Contest Entries

Deadline is February 1, 2019. Be sure to include one 8.5″ x 11″ page listing all entries plus a cover sheet for each entry. Contest entries may be emailed to See contest rules for details

TMW Contest Contact Info

TMW – P.O. Box 5435 – Oak Ridge, TN 37831-5435

Tel: 865-671-6046 or email


Meals (other than the banquet) and Hotel Registration are NOT included. Banquet is included only for full conference attendees; all other participants must pay to attend the banquet. Meals and booking of your room are your responsibility. The host hotel is the DoubleTree, Oak Ridge, TN. A block of rooms has been reserved for attendees. Call 865-481-2468 for reservations. Mention the Tennessee Mountain Writers Conference to get the conference rate of $99/night plus tax. Conference rate expires 3/15/18.