Fall Workshop 2022
“Writing the Past” with Jeremy Jones
Saturday, September 24, 2022
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. EST
“The past is a foreign country,” the LP Hartley quote begins, and in this workshop, we’ll cross that border. We’ll discuss the crafting of memories onto the page—how to create immediacy, when to add reflection, how to craft scenes—as well as talk through the many ethical considerations presented when the ever-faulty memory is involved—what if I don’t remember, what if someone remembers differently, what if this might upset someone? Above all, we’ll focus on how to grow your nonfiction into what it aims to be: something artful and yours.
Our Workshop Leader

Jeremy B. Jones is the author of Bearwallow: A Personal History of a Mountain Homeland, which was named the 2014 Appalachian Book of the Year in nonfiction and was awarded gold in the 2015 Independent Publisher Book of the Year Awards. His essays appear in Garden & Gun, Oxford American, Brevity, and The Iowa Review, among others. Jeremy co-edits the book series In Place, from WVU Press, alongside Elena Passarello. He earned his MFA from the University of Iowa and serves as an associate professor of English Studies at Western Carolina University, where he also directs the annual Spring Literary Festival.
The workshop will include a break for lunch. Meal options will be made available following registration. Coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks before the morning session are included.
Registration Fees: $85
Participation Limit: 20
Location: Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church
809 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN
Registration Deadline: September 17, 2022
Workshop Hours: 9:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. (EST)
Registration Form: Click here for the registration form. Deadline to register is September 17, 2022.
Additional Information: Contact Sue Richardson Orr at theorrs@usit.net
This project is funded in part under an agreement with the Tennessee Arts Commission.