Joyce A. McDonald Writing Competition


Contest for Adult Writers Contest for Student Writers


(Insufficient response may result in cancellation of any category.)

Fiction – 3,000 words maximum. Short story or novel portion (any selected section, for adults or youths). Please indicate “short story” or “novel excerpt” on the manuscript.

Children’s Literature – 1,500 words maximum (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.) written FOR children.  NOTE: Novel portions written for adolescents/young people should be entered in Fiction category.

Humor – 2,000 words maximum, any genre

Nonfiction – 2,000 words maximum (essay, article, humorous, how-to, etc.)

Poetry – 1 set of up to 3 poems (any form, style)



  1. Entries must not have been previously published, accepted for publication, nor have won any award in a previous TMW contest.
  2. Persons winning First Place in any TMW contest category are ineligible to enter that same category the following year.
  3. TMW workshop/specialty session leaders are ineligible to enter in the category they’ve taught.
  4. Any individual piece may be entered in one contest category only. Entries must be double spaced (poetry excepted), typed  on 8-1/2 x 11 paper, one side only.
  5. Good photocopies are acceptable. Manuscripts cannot be returned.
  6. Author’s name must NOT appear on the manuscript.
    a. Include a separate cover page for each entry with:
    – Author’s name, address, email, and telephone number
    – Category and title of that specific work
    b. Include one index card* listing all entries with:
    – Author’s name, address, email, telephone number
    – List of ALL entries (title of work and category) being submitted by that author
    – One newspaper contact (to send press release if author wins)
    *TMW will generate index card for emailed entries.
  7. Limit of two (2) entries per category per person.


  1. Full conference attendees: No fee for first entry in each category, $10 per entry for additional entries.
  2. Part-time or non-conference participants: $15 per entry.



  1. Entries must be postmarked by Feb. 1, 2019.
  2. Mail entries with payment to TMW with conference registration, or under separate cover. You may also send contest entries by email to and pay electronically via PayPal.

Mail to:   Adult Contest Committee
Tennessee Mountain Writers
P. O. Box 5435
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-5435


First Place: $100 + Plaque
Second Place: $50 + Certificate
Third Place: $25 + Certificate
Honorable Mention(s): Certificate
Sue Ellen Hudson Excellence in Writing Award: $100 + Trophy

Winners for each category will be announced and awards presented
during the TMW banquet Saturday, April 6, 2019.

If you are a Tennessee high school student, you may submit your original works to the annual Tennessee Mountain Writers’ Conference contest. You may enter only one piece in each contest; however, you may enter in both the poetry and prose categories.


Rules: Follow the rules and formatting listed below in the Contest Rules section.

Entry:  Fill out one entry form per entry and include with all your entry materials.

Mail to:  Student Contest Committee
Tennessee Mountain Writers
P. O. Box 5435
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-5435

Postmark: Entries must be postmarked on or before December 1, 2018. Manuscripts cannot be acknowledged or returned. Please keep a copy of all submissions.


  1. Entries must not have been previously published, accepted for publication, nor have won any award in a previous TMW contest.
  2. Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form. All entries may be mailed together in one envelope but there must be an entry form for each piece of work submitted.
  3. All entry submissions must be titled.
  4. Entries must be
    • typed in Times New Roman 12-point font,
    • double-spaced (poetry excepted),
    • on 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper,
    • printed on one side only,
    • 1 inch margins at the top, bottom, left and right.
  5. Poetry may be in any form, formal or free verse.
  6. Prose pieces are to be no longer than 12 pages in length and may include short stories, short story or novel excerpts, character sketches, and essays.
  7. Good photocopies are acceptable. Manuscripts cannot be returned.
  8. Author’s name or identifying information must NOT appear on the manuscript; entries will be judged blindly.
  9. Limit of one (1) entry per category per person.

Note: Entries not following rules will be disqualified.


There are no fees.


Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2018.


First Place: $50 + Plaque, banquet tickets for winner and 1 guest
Second Place: $30 + Certificate, banquet tickets for winner and 1 guest
Third Place: $20 + Certificate, banquet tickets for winner and 1 guest

Winners for each category will be announced and awards presented during the TMW banquet on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Oak Ridge, TN. All student winners will receive complimentary tickets to the awards banquet for themselves and one adult guest (parent or teacher). Additional banquet tickets may be purchased for $35 each by calling 865-671-6046.